The True Remnant Ministry

TIme to Rise


1 Know Thyself
  • Push back the darkness!

    We can take dominion over

    The atmosphere around us through the name and by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

    The air around us is alive with unseen spiritual activity. It is a battle between forces of darkness and light. The darkness is  Led by the Prince of Earth…Lucifer…. or otherwise known as The Fallen One. The Light is led by Jesus Christ….. King of the Universe….the only begotten son of God the Father..  Creator  of all things known and unknown to mankind.

    We together as one body with Christ at our head can let our light shine into the darkness.

    We were born to be Heavenly minded and through the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we can take dominion over the supernatural environment. We are soldiers for the Kingdom of Light…We were born to let the Light of the World shine from within us ….We must overcome the darkness while fighting the good fight of faith for the Kingdom of God from Earth!

To acheive our mission We have to come out of church home buildings  consistently and see the Body of Christ in our communities, state, and across the globe. We need to operate in the 5 fold Ministries to be ready to discern the enemy’s tactics. We need to learn how to use our weapons of warfare found in Ephesians 6 of our Holy Bibles.

We were born by our lifesong to enforce Jesus’ victory over forces of darkness that war against our mind, our family, and our region!

It’s time for God’s people to look at the body of Christ we are attached to from the eyes  of God. We need to seek the heart of our Savior Jesus Christ together.

 We have to come out of ourselves and church homes and merge with the whole body of Christ…the one in our communities.

Don’t be blind to the unseen reality—every Christian is in the midst of a supernatural conflict.

Don’t fall victim to the enemy! Every Christian can release God’s power into places and situations stuck under the influence of evil.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can transform our spiritual environment from darkness to light.


The True Remnant will help advance the Kingdom of God on Earth. We will welcome the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as One Universal  body with Christ at the head. We will put on the whole armor of God and March forth under the instruction of our commander King Jesus to see the perfect will of God carried out in mankind. We will accomplish this by meeting together, eating together, and worshiping together in Spirit and in Truth. We will encourage one another in Love and be the change we want to see in the World.


The True Remnants’ purpose is to devote ourselves to the advancement of God’s Kingdom. We stand on the Holy Bible knowing it to be the Word of God. We are dedicated to fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer, as Gods remnant has done in the generations before us. We are called intercessors, preachers, teachers, apostles, evangelist,  pastors, and disciples, however, we identify as Servants to mankind under the instruction of Jesus Christ. We know we were born for this time of times. Our purpose is to connect with individuals pointing them to the Kingdom of God through the sharing of our testimonies and the Word of God. We are committed to engaging in warfare together…. by and through the leading of the Holy Spirit. We know we are not fighting flesh and blood but principalities and powers on high places with the power of the name Jesus. We are The True Remnant, born to be soldiers in the Army of God. We listen for our orders given through the Holy Bible and inspiration of the Holy Spirit and we are committed like never before to obey that instruction.

The Lord utters His voice before His army across the Earth Surely His camp is very great, For strong is he who carries out His Word. The day of the Lord is indeed great and very awesome, and who can endure it?(Joel 2:11).

The True Remnant was born and is Rising for a time such as this